Product Name: Horizon wholesale Forbidden West Collector's Edition For PS5/PS4
Includes: -Horizon Forbidden West (Digital) PS4 and PS5 versions (*No Physical Disc*) Download code for the game will be supplied wholesale via voucher in the box. -Horizon Forbidden West SteelBook Display Case -A custom sculpted Tremortusk and Aloy statue Statues will require some assembly; detailed instructions will be provided with the box -Mini Art Book -2 Special Outfits (Carja Behemoth Elite and Nora Thunder Elite) -2 Special Weapons (Carja Behemoth Short Bow and Nora Thunder Sling) -In-game Resources Pack including ammunition, potions, and travel packs -In-game Apex Clawstrider Machine Strike Piece -Exclusive Photo Mode pose and face paint -Digital Soundtrack -Digital Version of The Sunhawk, the first Horizon Zero Dawn graphic novel Please let me know if you need more details. Ships immediately. Thanks.