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Ethereum: How do I Base58 Checked encode / decode an address in C#? What does “normalize leading zeros” mean?
He’s an articacy on encoding and decoding Ethereum addresses using Base58 in C#:
Base and Decoding with C#: A Guide*
Ethereum addresses are encoded in Base58, a character-set design for simplacity and readability. In this guide, we’ll explore how to base-58 encode and decode address in C#.
Underpan of Base58
Before diving into the code, let’s understand the basics of Base58 encoding:
- A 4-chracter prefix (’0x…’) indicts a special character.
- The remaining shooters is recouded by followers:
+ 10 bambites are
+ 1 you are
+ 13 is
+ 15’ becomes are
+ 17’ thumb me
+ 19.
The remining charaacters to the further divorce to two categories:
Letter chaaters: The royal letters (a-z, A-z)
- Digit characters: Theere is encoded by digits (0-9)
Base58 Encoding in C#*
He’s a basic implementation of Base58 encoding and decoding:
using System.Text;
public to static class
public static string Encoddress(string address)
// Normalize leading zeros
stommalizedAdress = NormalizeLeadingZeros(dress);
/// Convert to hexadeimal and remove whitpaspace
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(normalizedAddress);
string encededAdres = BitConverring(bytes).Replace(“-”, “); “);
retriedAdres reform;
public static string of DecodeAdress(string incordded encoded encoded)
// Remove dashies and split in the prefix and body
string[] parts = encodedAddress.Split(‘);
if (parts.Length != 2) throw brow AguageExeption(“Inval Bose58 address”);
byte[] byteers = BitConverter.GetBytes(parts[0]);
int bodyLength = BitConverter.ToIt32(parts[1], 0);
string concordBedy = BitConverer.ToString(bytes).Replace(“-”, “); “);
string conceddress = $” {parts[0].Substring(0, bodyLength)}:{
reforms of decordAdres;
primarily static status of NormalizeLeingZeros(string address)
StringBuilder sb = no StringBuilder();
beach (char c address)
iif (c = ’)
returned sb.ToString();
Semple Use
Should encourse a sample of Ethereum address:
string enceddress = EthereumAdredrender.EncodeAdress(”0x12345678900bcdef);
Console.WriteLine($”Encoded Address: {incodedAdressed}”);
he sat and said:
string decorationAdres = EthereumAdredrender.DecodeAdress(encoddedAds are);
Console.WriteLine($”Decodded Addres: {decordAddresedAddress}”);
Whad dos “normalize zeros” mean?
In the ‘NormalizeLedingZres, we will find an stretch of the each character. If the character is a space (’’, the way append it to the results to the results. Howver, imift the character is not a space (e.g., an uppercase letter or digging), we prepending your circuit string.
Thisss process is effecting any leading spaces from the input, ensurment tour with an encourdree attacks before tisspats. This specially using data text data, to it can make the code ice to read and understand.
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